Hi! I'm Lindsey.  

Like many of you, I proudly wear multiple name tags throughout the day.  I’m a wife to Hubby Joe, mom-extrodionaire to Lyla and Max, and Dog Mama to Nova & G. In addition to photography I substitute teach within EVSC. My favorite is middle school.

Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, we relocated to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin in 2017 then to Evansville, IN in 2022.  When relocating our family home, I put relocating my photography business as a personal goal of mine.  And boy, was I shocked.  The beauty of our new stomping grounds made it easy to create and capture beautiful moments of my own kiddos on simple trips to our local park, so I knew my creativity during sessions would have an endless supply for my clients

I am 100% obsessed with coffee, dogs, and taking photos.  I tear up at all the things that evoke emotion- movies, the ASPCA commercials, 2nd grade musical performances, children’s books, editing a photo that was captured at the perfect moment, you name it.  I believe this is part of what makes me a great photographer.  

As a kid, my mom couldn't develop my film fast enough.  The one hour photoprint would eventually lead to my understanding of the importance of finding quality printing companies I could use for my own personal use, and eventually finding the highest quality for my clients.  I picked up my first big girl camera when Max was born and haven't really put it down since.

I love capturing real moments with real emotion; moments in your lives that you want to remember.  Your kids being little- the way they squeeze on your leg as a toddler or crinkle their nose when they laugh, the way your face lights up when I ask how you met your partner, your first dance as a married couple, your oldest as a high school senior, your entire extended family all together, the birth of your child.  

Enough about me!  I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me, I can’t wait to meet you!